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There is a mandate for a referendum

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Scotland voted overwhelmingly in favour of a referendum on Scottish independence. At the General Election in 2019, the Tories lost seven of their seats in Scotland.

Douglas Ross
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Tory MP tied in knots over independence mandate

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Brian Cox
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Brian Cox: Enough is enough

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Golden Globe-winning actor Brian Cox: “We’ve been sidelined for so long, and treated really not very well, and not taken very seriously. We need to take care of our own destiny. Finally.”

Ian Murray
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Labour MP: Destroy Labour to save the UK

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Labour MP Ian Murray: “The Labour Party in 2014 destroyed itself by campaigning for Scotland to stay in the UK because it was the right thing to do, and I’m sure the Scottish Labour Party would do the same again.”

saltires in george square
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Let’s win our independence

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Let’s build the better, more prosperous, fairer, more equal, more outward-looking, more open, more inclusive, more diverse Scotland that all of us believe, in our hearts, is possible.

independence supporter talking to Sophie Raworth on the BBC
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We are in the endgame of this union

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This SNP voter is spot on. Scotland must have the choice of a fairer, more equal country – where we always get the governments we vote for.

Nicola Sturgeon
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Scotland cannot be held against its will

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“If Boris Johnson is confident in the case for the Union, then he should be confident enough to make that case and allow people to decide.”

a woman being vox popped
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Voters speak out for independence

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Scotland is being governed from Westminster by a right-wing Brexit-obsessed Tory Government that we comprehensively rejected in the general election. There is another way.