Former Labour leader says a vote is coming
Former Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale says a referendum is coming: “If you look at current independence polling, there has been a considerable shift from No to Yes.”
The Tories can’t continue to deny Scottish democracy
Professor John Curtice says that an SNP win in 2021 would mean “it will be difficult to avoid another referendum within a two or three year period”.
Scotland will decide our own future
Scotland must have a choice, and we will have a choice on our own future.
Scotland needs the power to invest in our economy
Scotland has the talent, the resources and the creativity we need to make the most of our economic potential. But we also need the powers to make that potential a reality.
A referendum will happen – and the Tories know it
We learned today that Michael Gove has held private talks with figures across politics in a last-ditch bid to save the Union.
Labour say Scotland should not have a choice
A vote for Scottish Labour in 2021 will be used to deny an independence referendum.
Brexit and Boris made her switch to Yes
More and more people across Scotland are switching from No to Yes – this voter outlined her journey to LBC presenter James O’Brien.
Professor Sir Geoff Palmer on Scottish Independence
“One of the natural progressions of all nations, eventually, one day they will start to think about, well, we want to manage our own affairs.”
Watch this stunning interview with Professor Sir Geoff Palmer.
People of Yes
People of Yes: Dundee
Watch the second film in our #PeopleOfYes series, with Dundonians setting out why they back independence.
People of Yes: Glasgow
Watch the first film in our #PeopleOfYes series, with Glaswegians setting out why they back independence.
In case you missed it
Alan Cumming says Scotland must have a choice
Alan Cumming: “If you look at Brexit as another example of Westminster dictating a policy Scotland didn’t want, that’s what independence is all about. The people of Scotland should be able to decide what they want to do.”
Ewan McGregor says: Choose independence
Ewan McGregor now says YES to Scottish independence. “Enough’s enough. After the Brexit vote, I’ve changed my tune about it.”
Donald Tusk: “I am very Scottish, especially after Brexit.”
A hugely important intervention from Donald Tusk, former President of the European Council: “I am very Scottish, especially after Brexit… Emotionally, I have no doubt everyone will be enthusiastic here.”
Billy Connolly says there’s a new energy around Scottish independence
Billy Connolly says there’s a new energy around Scottish independence. “If Scotland wants it, Scotland’ll get it. And I’ll be there clapping.”