Unionist parties have nothing positive to offer
Independence is about aspiration, empowerment and building a better, fairer society. Meanwhile, Unionist parties are running scared of the debate.
Irish politician: UK government is using “Trumpian propaganda”
Irish politician Neale Richmond has called out the UK Tory government for sharing “Trumpian propaganda” relating to Brexit.
Scottish Tory calls for independence…for Scottish Tories
A former Scottish Tory MSP says, without a hint of irony, that he wants his party to become independent because of the actions of the UK Government.
It’s time to get rid of Westminster corruption
It’s one rule for Boris Johnson’s Westminster Government, and another for everyone else.
Keir Starmer confirms Labour backs Tory Brexit
Latest OBR research found Brexit will hit the economy twice as hard as Covid. Labour are now full supporters of Brexit – and Scotland is paying a heavy price.
UK Budget and Tory Brexit torn apart in one minute
The OBR said we will lose 4% of our GDP because of Brexit, and the IFS Director called Rishi Sunak’s Budget “actually awful”. Watch as Lesley Riddoch completely dismantles the Tories’ record in office.
Former union boss: Labour should back indyref2
Len McCluskey, former boss of Unite, said Labour must “wake up and smell the coffee” over its anti-democratic opposition to indyref2. Scotland must have the choice.
Top Ten Better Together Claims: debunked
In 2014, Scotland was told it’d be an ‘equal partner’ within the union. Well, that hasn’t quite worked out. Here’s our Top Ten Better Together Claims, debunked.
People of Yes
People of Yes: Dundee
Watch the second film in our #PeopleOfYes series, with Dundonians setting out why they back independence.
People of Yes: Glasgow
Watch the first film in our #PeopleOfYes series, with Glaswegians setting out why they back independence.
In case you missed it
Alan Cumming says Scotland must have a choice
Alan Cumming: “If you look at Brexit as another example of Westminster dictating a policy Scotland didn’t want, that’s what independence is all about. The people of Scotland should be able to decide what they want to do.”
Ewan McGregor says: Choose independence
Ewan McGregor now says YES to Scottish independence. “Enough’s enough. After the Brexit vote, I’ve changed my tune about it.”
Donald Tusk: “I am very Scottish, especially after Brexit.”
A hugely important intervention from Donald Tusk, former President of the European Council: “I am very Scottish, especially after Brexit… Emotionally, I have no doubt everyone will be enthusiastic here.”
Billy Connolly says there’s a new energy around Scottish independence
Billy Connolly says there’s a new energy around Scottish independence. “If Scotland wants it, Scotland’ll get it. And I’ll be there clapping.”