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New poll finds 51% in favour of Scottish independence
A new poll for YouGov has found that there is now a majority of 51% in favour of Scottish independence. It is the first time since 2015 that a YouGov poll has shown Yes in the lead.
Scottish Parliament approves new independence referendum
The Scottish Parliament has given its backing to a fresh referendum on independence, shoring up the existing mandate to give the Scottish people a choice about their future.
Fact check: There’s no appetite for indyref2
Westminster parties repeatedly claim there is no appetite for Scotland’s right to choose our own future as an independent country. Scotland has voted repeatedly to demand the choice of our future, and despite the Tories being roundly defeated in Scotland on a single-issue campaign of “no to indyref2”, Boris Johnson has arrogantly dismissed Scottish democracy…
How many Labour members support independence?
A considerable number of supporters from various different parties believe in Scottish independence.
Sheena Wellington on the opening of the Scottish Parliament
20 years ago, Sheena Wellington sang ‘A Man’s a Man’ at the opening of the Scottish Parliament. In this 3-part interview, Sheena reflects on the moment that changed Scotland forever.
They said it
“There is no other treaty in the world I’m aware of where a Sovereign Nation undertakes to join up and can only leave when the other side says so” – David Davis MP
There is a mandate for a referendum
Scotland voted overwhelmingly in favour of a referendum on Scottish independence. At the General Election in 2019, the Tories lost seven of their seats in Scotland.
Brian Cox: Enough is enough
Golden Globe-winning actor Brian Cox: “We’ve been sidelined for so long, and treated really not very well, and not taken very seriously. We need to take care of our own destiny. Finally.”
Labour MP: Destroy Labour to save the UK
Labour MP Ian Murray: “The Labour Party in 2014 destroyed itself by campaigning for Scotland to stay in the UK because it was the right thing to do, and I’m sure the Scottish Labour Party would do the same again.”