Nicola Sturgeon
My Articles
Watching the Tory fiasco unfold on TV strengthens independence case by the hour
The Tories have completely lost any ability to govern and, with their endless chopping and changing of Prime Ministers, cannot claim to have any mandate from the people.
Boris Johnson is one of the symptoms of a broken Westminster system
Boris Johnson as Prime Minister was only the latest manifestation of a dysfunctional, broken, and corrupt Westminster system that long ago stopped working for Scotland.
It’s time for Johnson and Starmer to respect Scotland’s democratic wishes
Nicola Sturgeon: “Westminster is taking a wrecking ball to the idea of the United Kingdom as a voluntary partnership of nations.”
Now is the time to debate Scottish independence
Scotland is more ready than ever to transition to independence and take its place among the family of independent nations.
We can build a new nation and a new world, together
The question is no longer whether Scotland could afford to be a successful independent country – the question now is whether we can afford not to be independent.
Let’s put Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands – not those of Boris Johnson
As an independent member of the EU, Scotland can be an equal partner and a bridge-builder between the UK and the EU.
Scotland must, and will, have the right to choose its own future
If a majority of MSPs elected to Holyrood next year back a referendum, no UK Government has the right to block the will of the people.
Coronavirus/COVID-19: You can make a difference
A message from First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on what you should do to combat the spread of Coronavirus/COVID-19.
Nicola Sturgeon’s statement on Scotland’s future
As the great Nelson Mandela said – ‘It always seems impossible until it is done’. In Scotland I believe we are on the cusp of such a moment.
The 2014 independence referendum changed Scotland for the better
The referendum of September 2014 changed Scotland – and I believe it transformed our country fundamentally for the better.