Michael Russell
My Articles
We must not accept Westminster sovereignty as a given
Overpowering Westminster sovereignty is a threat to Scotland’s democracy itself. Independence is our way of protecting it.
Scotland’s civic nationalism is about freedom and equality
The case we promote must be hopeful and outward-looking, diverse and inclusive, rejecting prejudice but also accepting difference.
We’ve said for a long time the Union is broken… now Johnson agrees
Unlike 2014, there is no status quo and no alleged stability provided by the “broad shoulders” of the UK. The choice facing Scotland is more of Boris Johnson’s Brexit Britain, or becoming a normal independent country in Europe.
Brexit is the battlefield on which independence must be won
Progressive European politics, underpinning and enriching a normal, small European democratic nation, is a deadly threat to Johnson’s intentions.
The Union prevents Scotland from flourishing
After the last financial crisis, the Tories imposed austerity cuts – a choice, not a necessity. We know they want to do the same again. Who then should be making the decisions on how we rebuild and recover – the people of Scotland or Boris Johnson?
Leaflet: A Referendum For Recovery
Be sure to read our detailed, 8-page leaflet which includes vital facts, stats and arguments for Scottish independence – and share it with friends.
Hoarding land must end to build a fairer Scotland
To be a modern progressive country, we have to ensure that all our citizens share and benefit from a sustainable, wellbeing economy.
Here’s what we must do to deliver and win an independence referendum
Mike Russell: “We need to be ambitious, energetic and excited. We must put anger aside and although impatience is justified we must be aware of the concerted attempt to make us take the wrong step.”
Scotland will have a choice
The people who live here, not distant Westminster governments, should have the power to decide Scotland’s future. We have published a draft Referendum Bill to make it a reality.