A majority in Scotland support a referendum for recovery
A majority of people in Scotland expressing an opinion support holding a referendum for recovery in the current Holyrood term, according to a new poll.
The Redfield and Wilton Strategies poll found 42% of people would support an independence referendum being held in the next five years, with 40% opposing and 14% neither supporting or opposing. Removing don’t knows, 51% of those expressing an opinion are in support of a referendum for recovery being held.
Respondents were also asked if they thought Yes would win if a referendum was held in the next six months. 40% say Scotland would become independent, with 36% believing the No side would win.
SNP MSP Neil Gray commented:
This poll demonstrates that the people of Scotland want to put their future into their hands with a referendum for recovery in the current Holyrood term.
There is a cast-iron democratic mandate secured in May’s election for a post-pandemic referendum for recovery, once the pandemic has passed – and there is clear majority support in Parliament for the referendum for recovery.
Scotland must have a choice about its future – a recovery in the hands of the people of Scotland, or in those of Boris Johnson? Pledge your support today.